Spring, where are you?


Snow, snow, go away. Come again in… in December! It’s the middle of March and northern Virginia just got dumped on again with a foot of snow. Schools were cancelled (which means no work for me) and we are already on a 2 hour delay for tomorrow. WHAT? It’s March! Where is spring? I’m ready to have my windows open, and wear capri pants with flip-flops. This weather is so depressing sometimes.

When the world outside is covered in white and the temperature is reading below freezing, I like to get online and look at things that make me smile. Today I looked at photos of spring… and what better city than Paris! Visiting Paris is in my top 2 of things I MUST do before I hit 50 and springtime looks like the most beautiful time to go to Paris.

Since the weather outside is frightful, I’m bringing some spring to my blog, so I can enjoy again and again, and share with you. 🙂










Not Paris, but still France and still gorgeous!  www.gwbrownell.com

Not Paris, but still France and still gorgeous!


My 90s

The hubster was off today and when I got home from work, he was watching Saved By the Bell. He must’ve been reminiscing on easier times from our childhood, because it came as quite a shock to walk in the door and see Zack Morris lip locking with Kelly Kapowski. I sat down with him, watched 2 more episodes before I even realized it was already 6 o’clock and we needed to get dinner started. It got me thinking about all the things I miss from growing up. I’m an 80’s baby- born in 84. But the 90s were more my time.. I mean, I was only 6 by the time 1990 hit, I don’t really remember what I was doing before that.

These are some of my favorite things I love about the 90s!



Because nothing was better than a scrunchie! Oh how I miss these giant hair ties. I would still wear them today if I knew no one would judge me! 😉

The Best Friend necklace. I must’ve gone through half a dozen of these…. thankfully, all those girls are still my friends to this day! 🙂



Jelly shoes!!! I don’t care how many blisters I got from these bad boys. You just weren’t cool if you weren’t walking around in your jellies on a hot day at King’s Island.



Proud to admit, I am STILL a loyal customer! 🙂


Because who didn’t love Michelle Tanner? Uncle Jesse wasn’t too bad either! 🙂



Nickelodeon USED to be cool… and GUTS was the coolest!



Who doesn’t still know the theme song to DOUG? I do. Patty Mayonaise, Skeeter Valentine, Pork Chop the dog… the BEETS!!! Brain in overload!!!!



I loved Melissa Joan Hart back than, and I still love her today!!

The show that inspired this blog. Ohh Zack Morris… how I love thee. Although in my adult age, Mario Lopez blows me away when he gets all dressed up in a tux, on the red carpet for E! Entertainment News. #swoon #ACSlater



Sister, Sister!!! I always wished I had a secret twin sister out there whom I found in a mall and then became best friends with.

Johnathan Taylor Thomas… THAT’S. IT.

Speaking of JTT… Home Improvement was another favorite. This show always reminds me of my dad.

Leo DiCaprio… #yum. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo & Juliet… he was gorgeous as a kid and still gorgeous as a man.



Okay, don’t laugh.. but Pauly Shore was funny back in the day. Encino Man, Son-In-Law… those were really good movies!! ….. No, really, I’m serious!



I’m pretty sure I had Lisa Frank everything up until my junior year of high school (2002). Even still, when I see it at Target, which is rare, a part of me really wants to buy it….

The food was terrible and gross and never looked the way it did on the box, but you weren’t ready for womanhood, if you didn’t have an Easy Bake Oven in childhood. 🙂

Dream Phone.. this game taught me how to talk to boys on the phone.. which I didn’t until I was a freshman in high school… and even then, I needed my girlfriends in the room with me because of how nervous I was. #loser

The cover alone is enough to give you nightmares… good Lord!! But boy, I couldn’t live with out my Goosebumps!

I’m pretty sure between me and all my friends, we had every Caboodle EVER made! These were the best!

THE WORST INVENTION EVER.. in my opinion. The comb headband. Not only were these stupid things headache inducing, but they always left weird marks in your hair. They sure did look cool while they were holding back your hair though.

Those are just a few of my favorite things.. Some honorable mentions are:
Jurassic Park
Back to the Future
Snap bracelets
Trapper Keeper

What were some of your favorite things of the 90s?


Summer, summer, summer time



Here in northern Virginia, we are about to get dumped on with MORE snow. About 8 inches. Given that it’s March, this is sort of unusual for us here in the nation’s capital region. By March, we usually have weather well into the 50s by now. This winter has been particularly rough for us… and most of the eastern states I would assume. Although I consider myself a winter person, I REALLY miss summer right now. Don’t get me wrong, I love wearing a comfy, cute sweater, some skinnies and cute boots while watching the snow fall outside. Sitting by the fire, cuddled up next to your husband, watching a movie and sipping on some hot cocoa (or wine…. they both keep you warm)! But I am in some serious need of vitamin D!!

Adam and I have plans for our upcoming summer. Other than the fact we are moving, we would like to go to Busch Gardens (since it isn’t too far from us)

and hopefully if we have the money, take the drive down to South Carolina and visit Myrtle Beach. Neither of us have been and it’s super cheap to have a nice vacay!!!

My number one request this summer? Buy bikes!! There are so many amazing places near our new place, that it would be perfect to just ride our  bikes and hang out all day long.



I cannot wait for summer. It’s funny, because I know as soon as the temperature hits over 85, complaints and whines are going to start coming out of my mouth due to how miserable I will be. 😉 However, with the snow coming tonight and the temperature dropping to 1 degrees, I will gladly take 85 right now! 🙂

Can't wait to see a beach again!  www.yellloh.com

Can’t wait to see a beach again!

I plan on spending a lot of time on a new deck (which is HUGE) during the warm days!!  worldofvieta.tumblr.com

I plan on spending a lot of time on our new deck (which is HUGE) during the warm days!!

Looking forward to flowers! blog.eleanorsnyc.com

Looking forward to flowers!

No palm trees in Virginia, but whenever I see one, my soul gets warm on a cold day! <3 www.etsy.com

No palm trees in Virginia, but whenever I see one, my soul gets warm on a cold day! ❤

Sharing a milk shake in the summer is one of my favorite things! Can't wait to share many things with my hubby this summer, while making new memories!  comradevonpussycat.blogspot.com

Sharing a milk shake in the summer is one of my favorite things! Can’t wait to share many things with my hubby this summer, while making new memories!

Something I have always wanted to do… throw a party with my girlfriends!! Maybe this summer I can do that! 🙂

Summer- where are you!? We miss you. Please hurry! 🙂




Money- it’s a crime



“Money, it’s a crime. Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie. Money, so they say is the root of all evil today.” -Pink Floyd said it best ladies and gentleman. No wonder they are one of my favorite bands. 🙂

You know what I love about money? The fact that it’s green, my favorite color. Actually, wait… I don’t even think I can say that anymore. A lot of our money is changing. We are following the footsteps of our brothers and sisters across the ocean. Countries like England, China, Switzerland and our neighbors down south, Venezuela. Our very own currency is changing to look more picturesque than ever.

Other than color and the pretty pictures on money now, I don’t really find too much more happiness in it. See, here is the deal: If you’re rich, like, so rich you don’t even look at price tags when you shop, money becomes like air. It’s something you know you need, but it’s almost endless to you and therefore, you take it for granted. For example, let’s use someone who is super rich. Hmmm, let me think. Let’s use a celebrity for this example, therefore hopefully everyone will know who I’m referring to. I pick Taylor Swift. Why? I’m not sure. I do like her music, but she bugs me with her “I’m such a victim to every guy” attitude on life.

According to Forbes.com, Miss Swift has a net worth of 55 million dollars. Yup, Taylor and all she owns is worth 55 million dollars. That’s $55,000,000.00!! And her net worth goes up every year. Do you know how much my net worth is? Let’s see. We rent, I still owe money on my car, I think I may have $500 in some sort of 401K plan left over from the military, but I also owe a shit ton of money to a bank for student loans. So my net worth is about -$40,000.00!! Yup, negative! To have $55 million dollars would more than likely cause me to have a stroke. What would I even do with that money?
Let’s break it down, shall we: You have 55 million dollars. Say you buy a gorgeous mansion.

You’ve got the funds, let’s go balls to the walls here- you purchase an 8.5 million dollar home. You pay for it in cash. But what are the taxes on something like that? For the state of Virginia, according to fairfaxcounty.gov and my understanding of the breakdown, you pay in taxes about $1.08 for every $100.00 the house it worth. Not sure how correct I am, but let’s just go with it. So that’s about 1% right? 1% of 8.5 million dollars is $85,000.00. That’s STILL more than I make in a year. Then you want to buy a car. My favorite car has always been a classic Jaguar Roadster, 1967 to be exact. Let’s see if we can find one for sale in real time, not 1967 time.

A current 1967 Jaguar Roaster on sale

I found a car with 2,684 miles on it, costing only $100,000.00!! Let’s say there is an average of 4% tax on this car, that would mean you would still have to pay an additional $4,000 on top of your already one hundred thousand. You’re going to need a practical car though too, right? Let’s look for one of those, shall we? If your net worth is 55 million dollars, you don’t just go to Toyota.. you go to Mercedes. A Mercedes M-class SUV, ML63 AMG, will cost you approx. $98,175.

So, pretty much the same as the classic. Add another 4% for tax- $3,927. You’re going to need a phone, because everyone does. You get the best of the best. The latest Apple iPhone. What are we up to now? 5s. The gold one please. Again, because you’re worth 55m, you’re going to get the most GBs. The iPhone 5s with 64 GB is only a low price of $399. Don’t forget, you need a plan to go with that super awesome cool phone of yours. The average person, me, has what I hope is a basic plan. My carrier is VW and I have the 3GB plan, which is $60 a month. But VW has a plan that goes all the way up to 50GB and it’s $375 (+ the $40 a month JUST to use the iPhone) = $415.

So we’ve got your house, your 2 cars and your phone. All of this for only…. *drumroll please*……. $8,791,916! Leaving you with: $46,208,084. You can get whatever the hell you want with that. Designer decor for your swanky home, new clothes, food, gas, trips all around the world, utilities, etc. Of course money becomes like air. Why would you need to look at price tags? And Taylor Swift isn’t even in the top 5 of the richest celebrities!

Now let’s do a break down of someone like me. I make $1400 a month. (This is after taxes, health insurance and some retirement fund that FCPS forced me to be in). I pay $400 a month for my car. $100 a month for my cell phone. $300 a month to the bank for my personal student loans. $50 a month for my federal student loans. An average of $40 a week for gas x 4= $160. Leaving me with $390. (Notice how there is no grocery list involved) My husband makes an average of 2800 a month. Thank God for that. He pretty much pays for everything else. We b a r e l y get by.

Finally, let’s look at someone who is considered “low income.”

Because even though Adam and I eat PB&J a lot, we still make TOO much money and don’t qualify for ANY help. But we live in Fairfax County, the THIRD richest county in the nation- an average of $107,096 income per home! HA HA HA!!! Adam and I don’t even make half of that TOGETHER!! For FFX county, we are the poor- but somehow, we’ve been getting by. Someone with low income would make EVEN less than us. Maybe 25K a year. What does 25 thousand dollars a year get you in the state of Virginia? According to benefits.gov, you are entitled, but not guaranteed the following:
Child care
Employment assistance
Energy assistance (discounted or free gas for home)
Healthcare -THIS IS A BIG BAD ISSUE FOR ME.. but for another day! 🙂
Loan Replacement -where is my LR. I owe $40k for student loans and I make $1400 a month.

How is this all fair?? Taylor Swift gets paid to sing and travel the world, sit in a couple meetings a month, put out an album every 1-2 years and endorse some products, making 55 million dollars. (Granted, she sacrificed her privacy) Someone who (stereotypically) works only part time, (stereotypically) has more kids than they can afford, (stereotypically) doesn’t even try, gets offered help with housing, has a full refrigerator ALL month long, and the latest cell phone (stereotypically). Then there is me (us)- the average, hard working American, working 40-50 hour weeks, sometimes working two jobs (BEEN THERE), living off raman noodles, trying desperately to start a savings with what little we have left every month.

So this is why I hate money…. when you’re rich, you get more. When you’re poor, you get more. But when your middle class, you get fucked! It’s like, you’re not as smart as your older brother, but you’re not as cute as your little sister, so you just sort of get forgotten about. You get by, you have your moments of glory, you have your occasional episodes where you feel rich and on top of the world, but it quickly fades when you’re slapped with another bill, or unexpected expense or an illness- and the government adds insult to injury by saying “Sorry, you’re not rich enough to stand on your own, but your too rich for our help.”

Now let me add a disclaimer before I get my ass chewed out. I understand that there are people who worked their butts off and became rich, rightfully so. I also understand that there are people who worked hard their whole lives and perhaps get hurt on the job or had a family member taken down by illness and therefore needed government help. I am more focused on the rich for no good reason celebrities (like Kim Kardashian.. whom I secretly love to watch) and the lazy, abusive trash (stereotypical again) who sits on their ass getting fat and watching television, while collecting a paycheck and eating three course meals 4x a week.

Money has lost it’s value. It used to be “a hard day’s work for a hard day’s pay” but now it’s, “a hard day’s work for half of your hard day’s pay, while it goes to the family down the street with nicer furniture than yours!”


We’re moving



Well, after 5 years, my hubby and I are finally moving out of our first home together. During the first year of our marriage, we were lucky enough to stumble upon a great town home. Two stories, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, about 1400 sq ft and all for $1600 a month. For FFX county, this is a straight up steal. We were so blessed to have met Jess, our current landlord, who was renting out her home privately. For the last 5 years, she has been so good to us and it’s almost sad that we are saying goodbye to her, our first home and the memories we made here.

The idea is to save money though. Adam and I would like to be future home owners one day and that takes sacrifice and saving, which is hard to do when your spending your entire months earnings on rent, cars, utilities, phones, INS, etc… we’ve all been there, it sucks. Plus, I am just over FFX and DC. Don’t get me wrong, I love living so close to a big city (just wish it were New York instead), but after living here for 8 years, the appeal is gone. We barely even go into DC anymore, so why are we spending more money than we should simply because of the distance between our home and DC? I mean, you know the drill- the closer you are to the city, the more expensive life becomes. I don’t even want to tell you how much we paid for a two bedroom apartment in Arlington!! Cough… $2,000… Cough!! It’s disgusting.

We found a place even further out. Far, far away from the city. Over an hour. It almost feels like we are moving to a whole new state. I love it! It has so many amazing amenities, like 3 pools and 2 gyms, but it’s also walking distance from shops and restaurants. The area we are moving to is newer and everything about it is just so pretty. The kicker? We are downgrading everything!! Moving from a 1400 sq ft home to an 800 sq ft home. Yikes! We are obviously getting rid of a lot before we move and because we are losing so much space and 1.5 baths, we have to throw away and consolidate what we have. I started looking up ideas on how to save space, but still be stylish for our temporary home over the next 15 months. This is some of the things I found that I hope to incorporate into our new place.

A giant vintage mirror to hang on a back wall or over the couch. Mirrors give small rooms the illusion that they are bigger. Plus, if I can find a bright frame like this, it will add some color to the bland white walls almost all apartments have.

A giant vintage mirror to hang on a back wall or over the couch. Mirrors give small rooms the illusion that they are bigger. Plus, if I can find a bright frame like this, it will add some color to the bland white walls almost all apartments have.

Not that we are losing too much cabinet space, but I want to stay organized. Our laundry is right off the kitchen and I saw this neat idea to hang some of the pots and pans you don't use often. We can hang them in the laundry room where no one will see.

Not that we are losing too much cabinet space, but I want to stay organized. Our laundry is right off the kitchen and I saw this neat idea to hang some of the pots and pans you don’t use often. We can hang them in the laundry room where no one will see.

We are gaining a linen closet, but we are losing a sink and counter space. My husband and I have "his and her" sinks right now, so I have a feeling our linen closest is going to get full faster than I think. I like the idea of hanging basket on the wall to put hand towels in or even a small photo frame.

We are gaining a linen closet, but we are losing a sink and counter space. My husband and I have “his and her” sinks right now, so I have a feeling our linen closest is going to get full faster than I think. I like the idea of hanging basket on the wall to put hand towels in or even a small photo frame.

Like I said before, we will be getting rid of a lot, but again, we still have 1400 sq ft of just.... stuff. These cute boxes will help us stay organized for the things we wanna keep for when we buy a house, but don't have anywhere to put.

Like I said before, we will be getting rid of a lot, but again, we still have 1400 sq ft of just…. stuff. These cute boxes will help us stay organized for the things we wanna keep for when we buy a house, but don’t have anywhere to put.

Because the space we are losing, we are not bringing our kitchen table. We never use it anyways, it just sits there. So the area that is known as the "dining area" will be our office area and we will get barstools in order for us the eat at the counter instead.  www.houzz.com

Because the space we are losing, we are not bringing our kitchen table. We never use it anyways, it just sits there. So the area that is known as the “dining area” will be our office area and we will get barstools in order for us the eat at the counter instead.

Having an ottoman is nice. We are looking for one that opens up. This will give us that much more storage space. Right now, we have a huge shelf unit for all of our movies, but that's not going to fit in our new apartment, so being able to shove movies in this would help. :)

Having an ottoman is nice. We are looking for one that opens up. This will give us that much more storage space. Right now, we have a huge shelf unit for all of our movies, but that’s not going to fit in our new apartment, so being able to shove movies in this would help. 🙂

Just for fun: I would eventually like to get new couches. We are getting rid of our love seat due to lack of space and keeping our couch. Maybe later on, I can update. We have to stick with neutral colors due to our pets. :)

Just for fun: I would eventually like to get new couches. We are getting rid of our love seat due to lack of space and keeping our couch. Maybe later on, I can update. We have to stick with darker/warm colors due to our pets. 🙂

Just for fun- I love the look of a bright colored chair next to a plain colored couch. Really makes an impact!!

Just for fun- I love the look of a bright colored chair next to a plain colored couch. Really makes an impact!!

I learned by watching massive amounts of HGTV that the color purple means royalty. I would love to toss some purple pillows on the grey couch or blue chair to add some extra splash of color.

I learned by watching massive amounts of HGTV that the color purple means royalty. I would love to toss some purple pillows on the grey couch or blue chair to add some extra splash of color.





There are very few things that I love more than vintage decor. I am excited for the day when my hubby and I become home owners and can design and create our own space. Adam and I are almost sheer opposites when it comes to our style of home. If he could decorate our future house, it would be very modern and high tech. All the latest gadgets, sci-fi features and solid colors. Thankfully though, my hubby is a smart man and understands that women, well, we just have a knack for this sort of thing. He knows that no matter what it is I chose to do, it will look great and feel like home… and that, my friends, is the point.

I have envisioned a chic, beautiful home. My idea is to mix the old, with the new. Because Adam is a go-go gadget kinda guy, we always seem to have the latest piece of technology in the house. 50 inch televisions, Apple products everywhere and high tech coffee makers don’t really scream vintage, but I have found some ideas to help me mix the new and modern with the old and sweet.

I love the idea of having my (one day) son riding around the sidewalk in this adorable vintage car (and when not in use, how cute would it be propped in his bedroom). 



This dress… not only is it green (my favorite color), but the detail makes it quite unique. I would rock this baby on date with my husband! 



Old pieces of furniture, with good upkeep, can go a long way. Add some flowers, or a few photo frames and you have your mix of old and new. 



Vintage toys for my children. I want my kids to experience both my world and their world. Leap Frogs/iPads are okay (I get that’s just what our society is), but I want my children to appreciate the small things too. I want them to use their imaginations as well. 



Pearls are one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. Whenever I wear pearls, my inner 50’s Audrey Hepburn or Dorris Day comes out. There is something about old pearls, like the kind my grandma would’ve worn. If only the pearls could talk… the world they must’ve seen.



A vintage clock. For such a small piece, I feel it would add such a large bit of character in a living room. 



Although this particular item isn’t vintage per say, it is built from an older design. Could you imagine how stinkin’ cute this would be sitting on your counter top? I would bake all the time just to use this piece of equipment. 


I have always wanted a vintage bike. My husband and I always talk about riding bikes together on a warm summer’s afternoon and this would be so adorable.



An old cabinet mixed with either new or vintage dishes. The hearts are what won me over!! I mean, how can you not love that? In fact, it makes me want to buy something similar, sand it down to give it an old feel and cut some hearts in the center of the door.



These dishes are just everything. Especially with clear/glass cabinet doors in the kitchen, these dishes would give your kitchen a vintage and colorful vibe. So gorgeous! 




I love almost everything about vintage. I wish the style of the 1950’s, early 1960’s would have stuck around, but since they didn’t, I will have to do my best to make it apart of our future style.


Dream home

I absolutely love everything about this home. Ahhh, to have lots and lots of money. This oasis of a home is stunning!

I love home with some added character. The last thing I want in a house is for it to match every other home on the block.

I love homes with some added character. The last thing I want in a house is for it to match every other home on the block.
Source: Architectural Design//Roger Davies

My ideal kitchen. Rustic and charming <3

My ideal kitchen. Rustic and charming
Source: Architectural Design//Roger Davies

This is my favorite room!

This is my favorite room!
Source: Architectural Design//Roger Davies

To see who this home belongs to (I bet you will never guess) and for more beautiful photos, check out A Vogue Affair 


Anniversary and Sharpie

Collage 9

It’s our anniversary!! Woo hoo!! Adam and I have been married for 6 years today! I still remember like it was yesterday- it was cold as hell!! <— Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Hell would be hot, so I guess I should be saying “It was cold as Antarctica!”

According to the wedding anniversary gift giving guide: there are two different styles to follow. You have your traditional list and you have your modern list. On the traditional list, the gift for 6 years would be candy, but on the modern side, it is wood. Hmmmm…. wonder how they became so different? Whichever one is your favorite is up to you, I prefer the candy one myself.

Last year during this time, we did a fun “Wedding/Love” photo shoot for a friend. It was also VERY cold. I did love the dress I got to borrow for the shoot, but when it was 25 degrees, it didn’t provide much protection against the cold. 🙂 Thank God for my friend who was there to give me my coat after every shot from the photographer. Coat came on, coat came off. Coat came on, coat came off. Towards the end of the shoot, I was shaking so bad, we couldn’t even get a decent photo anymore, so we wrapped it up and called it day. I loved how the photos came out though and was very happy for the opportunity to do the photo shoot. Here’s why: Adam and I were military when we got married and we had very little money (kinda like today). We knew we could never afford a big wedding, so with the blessing from our families and my dad’s permission, we got married JOP style. I wore an adorable cream colored, knee-length dress, Adam wore a suit and we were married in a court office. Was it my ideal wedding? No. But did it work for us? Absolutely. Adam and I loved each other and we really didn’t care about the hype behind a wedding. Plus, the further we get in our marriage, the more we like the idea of throwing a big party for our 10 year anniversary. Going back to the photo shoot, it gave us the opportunity to the get the “wedding” photos we never got.

wedding dress

This dress had such a vintage feel. I loved it!

Wedding 4

Kisses in the cold. He was doing everything he cold to keep me warm. 🙂

wedding 9

Cheers to us!


Since I wasn’t really sure what to get Adam (b/c he is not big on candy), I decided to head to Pinterest for some inspiration. I stumbled upon “sharpie art!” Grab some white dishes, then go crazy with sharpies, designing your own creations, then bake in the oven to set (350 for 30 mins- I did two rounds of this). I chose to decorate a coffee cup b/c my husband is a huge coffee drinker.

A plain white mug and a ton of colored sharpies

A plain white mug and a ton of colored sharpies


I first drew the bear by pencil

I first drew the bear by pencil

Adam and I have little nicknames for each other (like almost all couples) and one of his nicknames from me is "bear"

Adam and I have little nicknames for each other (like almost all couples) and one of his nicknames from me is “bear”

The balloon that the bear is holding on the other side

The balloon that the bear is holding on the other side

Just some hearts and polka dots on the handle for some added cuteness

Just some hearts and polka dots on the handle for some added cuteness


A quick 7 second video of what the mug looks like all the way around:

After I baked it, I colored it again, then baked it for a second time. I did read some comments that the sharpie will fade over time, so it’s best to hand wash it and cherish it as long as you can. I only spent $4.99 at Home Goods for the mug and the sharpie markers were all borrowed from a friend. That’s it! Now Adam will have a fun (albeit, slightly girly) mug to enjoy coffee out of!



Ohhh baby



This week at work, two of the teachers celebrated their baby showers with the staff. Balloons, adorable cupcakes, and tons of super cute baby clothes. Flower dresses, onesies with frogs, hand-knit blankets, hand print artwork, baby albums, sweet burping cloths and shoes so small, you cannot even imagine feet tiny enough to wear them.

I cannot wait for the day when it will by my turn to celebrate our future baby. At 29, I am more than ready. Maybe not financially or maybe not per the standards of others, but my heart is longing to be a mommy. I know God will let it happen when time is right, but until that time comes, it is still fun to imagine.

With baby fever on the brain and the celebration of babies this week, I started to put together ideas of what I would want the nursery to look like. I’ve already decided that if we have a little girl, she would have a very vintage, crisp, white nursery. I am very into Paris (more like infatuated) and I have always imagined her room to have a Parisian feel. If we have a little boy, given that my hubby is sports oriented (and from New York), the room would definitely be Yankee blue and covered in sports gear- and maybe some vintage, black and white photos of sports heroes from our past.  Of course there is always a classic: Mickey Mouse. I will never be too old for Disney. I am utterly obsessed with Disney. I still have a Mickey and Minnie doll in our own bedroom… it’s only a little sad. Who doesn’t love Disney?

I love this crisp white, with just a touch of pink. The little vintage plane is my favorite piece. projectnursery.com

I love this crisp white, with just a touch of pink. The little vintage plane is my favorite piece.

I love the canopy hanging over the crib. My little girl would be a total princess.

Perfect. So simple, yet screams style.

This is my favorite thing I have ever seen for girl babies!! A Paris crib mobile!!

Sports theme for a boy… or to make his daddy happy. 😉

Adorable Mickey Mouse nursery.


Sports and Disney.. SCORE!


Yankee bedding for the nursery. Hubby would love this!